Nine Times Travel Insurance Isn’t a Ripoff

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We caught this interview from the Today Show through the Consumerist. Nine Times Travel Insurance isn’t a ripoff.

  1. Your flight is canceled.
  2. Your bags are lost and your medication is in it. You need to have an emergency prescription filled.
  3. Your passport and wallet are stolen, and you need emergency cash and a replacement passport.
  4. You’re involved in an accident and adequate medical treatment is not available. You need medical evacuation.
  5. You need to cancel your trip due to illness.
  6. Your cruise line, airline or tour operator goes bankrupt. You need your non-refundable expenses covered and to get to your destination.
  7. You have a medical emergency in a foreign country.
  8. A terrorist incident occurs in the city where you’re planning to visit and you want to cancel your trip.
  9. A hurricane forces you to evacuate your resort, hotel or cruise.

We have always believed travel insurance is never a ripoff if you’ve invested in your trip. Ask yourself these questions to help you decide.

  1. If you are heading abroad, does your medical insurance cover you?
  2. What are the rules of your fare? Will your airline allow you to cancel if you become sick?
  3. What about any tours, hotels, or other arrangements? Can you get your money back?
  4. If you are going to a particularly  dangerous or remote area, does the policy you are considering provide coverage for emergency evacuation should you be injured far from a hospital?
  5. Does the insurance you purchase provide assistance if you have a problem in making arrangements?
  6. If things go wrong, do you stand to lose enough to take out insurance?

(Originally appeared in Flight Wisdom Blog)

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